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May 13, 2022

​​5 ways to use visual search ai for smart product discovery

May 13, 2022

​​5 ways to use visual search AI for smart product discovery

What is Visual Search?

Visual search is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to help people search with real-world images, instead of using text search. Visual search allows users to discover new products without necessarily knowing the product that is being searched for. Without the use of texts, image processing and machine learning can be used to find essential search results. Visual search is improving because of AI technology.

Why must we use Visual Search?

Previously, text-based search engines are what has always been used. With text-based search engines, a customer or potential customer is expected to know what they want to purchase by typing in the words. However, a customer may just be surfing the internet without having any specific item in mind. So, this is where visual search comes in as it goes further to provide customers with an item that would be closest to what they may be looking for. Visual Search combines computer vision, machine learning and human-computer interaction to help visual recognition. With Visual AI, you can interpret, comprehend, and make meaning out of what is captured. Visual Search provides consumers with the desire to move effortlessly between the online and offline worlds. Visual AI helps consumers to make use of powerful technology such as QR scan codes or facial recognition.

What is smart product discovery?

Smart Product Discovery is a process of assisting product teams or companies to improve upon their ideas. Smart Product Discovery has to do with building the essential products and features that suit the needs of your customers. This can be done when teams are able to understand the problems that real users have and then come up with the best solutions to counter these problems.

5 ways to use Visual Search AI for Smart Product Discovery

With Visual Search, you are required to upload an image. To optimize your process and reduce inefficiencies, here are 5 ways to use Visual Search AI for Smart Product Discovery.

1. Enable Visual Search

Enabling visual search is crucial in helping shoppers have direct access to interact with. By simply uploading an image to your site, it enables the visual AI search engine to instantly locate similar products that may be available as a photo. Among millennials, this has been identified as one of the most preferred search methods as compared to the text based.

2. Improve the accuracy of text search

Visual AI also improves the text search experience by ensuring that search results are visual, relevant and accurate. Once your visual AI engine scans all the images in your product catalog, it automatically creates easily identifiable tags and metadata for each item. Once a shopper inputs a search, Natural Language Process (NLP) allows your search engine to accurately identify and locate what a customer is in search of. Visual Search helps to deliver results that most closely match the original query of a potential customer.

3. Provide true personalization

Without visual AI, it becomes impossible to provide a truly personalized customer shopping experience. Traditional personalization engines rely on statistical algorithms based on the shopping history data of previous customers. As a result, the product recommendations it produces are really predictions based on statistics, and not the unique characteristics of individual shoppers.

4. More accurate trend forecasting

Visual AI engines produce a wealth of data that helps you to accurately predict the current trends of your customers as you have an insight into the interests of your customers.

5. Reduce waste

Another important benefit of data generated by visual AI is that it helps reduce waste. A brand that is transparent and conscious about protecting the environment can attract customers that also believe in shopping sustainably.  

How could this be used in stores?

Visual search starts by capturing and uploading an image on a cellphone or any smart device. There are a wide variety of cameras that can be used in capturing stores, scanning barcodes is a natural use case of visual search. As well, point-of-sale terminals could use it to look up the prices and identities of items missing tags, and this significantly speeds up the checkout process. Again, in the backroom, warehouse management systems could be improved by scanning a barcode. Whenever sorting through a large amount of visual data, perhaps involving a box of different parts, they could be using visual search as a solution.

How to Use Visual AI to Fortify Your eCommerce Infrastructure

As we have been made to understand earlier, Visual AI can provide your customers with a distinctive shopping experience. By using Visual AI, you have the insights and capabilities that help you to stand out among your competitors. To be highly successful in an overly competitive digital space, eCommerce in recent times requires a highly innovative and advanced infrastructure. Visual AI can make brands to stand out among its many competitors who might be doing the same thing. However, brands making use of visual AI can give customers a unique experience, improve inventory and reduce waste. By integrating visual AI into your eCommerce infrastructure, you will gain the insights and capabilities you need to stand out and thrive. Simply put, brands that optimize Visual AI will continue to remain ahead of its competitors and will positively impact sales.

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