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August 4, 2022

AI for Recruiting

August 4, 2022

How does AI affect recruiting?

It is believed that AI will change the recruiter role. This will allow recruiters to become more proactive in their hiring and determine the right candidate for the role and improve their relationships with hiring managers by using data to measure quality of the hiring process. AI for recruiting provides a screening software that aids in resume screening, recruiter chatbots that engage candidates in real-time, and digitized interviews that help assess a candidate’s fit. In this modern day, AI is highly effective as it saves recruiters’ time by automating high-volume tasks. It also improves the quality of the hiring process through standardized job matching.

What kind of task will AI handle for recruiters?

AI can perform a varied range of tasks for recruiters. This includes the following:

1. AI can perform tasks that are identified as time-consuming.

AI for recruiters is set to carry out time-consuming and frustrating administrative tasks. In scheduling interviews, an AI-enhanced algorithm is capable of analyzing staff and room availability to create an optimized interview schedule. With the advent of AI, unnecessary and overly time-consuming tasks will be handled by AI instead of being done by recruiters. This solution alleviates the all-too-frequent headache of manually coordinating the schedules of multiple interviewers to determine available meeting times.

2. AI eliminates the administrative burden

of sending countless back-and-forth emails to select desired times, freeing up recruiters and recruiting coordinators to spend time on more valuable tasks.

3. In terms of recruitment, AI is time effective and cost-effective.

In certain instances, AI can be cost-effective because the task that would have initially required about five people to handle, can be done by a single AI.

The impact of AI for recruitment

1. Reduce human bias

Humans have the tendency to be biased in one way or the other. Knowingly or unknowingly, some recruiters tend to make some hiring decisions based on gender, ethnicity, age, looks, religion etc. An AI on the other hand, can be programmed to focus only on important factors such as candidates’ skills, experience, and qualifications. In doing so, biases are eliminated from the recruitment process.

2. Saves time, money and increase in efficiency

One of the main challenges for Human Resources (HR) recruiters is in identifying and selecting the best talent out of the many applications they receive daily. AI’s role is to help eliminate these manual tasks that would have been performed by labor. As AI is programmed to obtain maximum efficiency in terms of time, costs, and quality. Once the process of selecting candidates is fully automated, more data can then be gathered and efficiently assessed.

3. Improve candidate experience and engagement

HR recruiters are often inundated with tasks that take up most of their time, hence many face difficulties in maintaining good response time with their candidates, resulting in poor candidate experience and engagement. By introducing chatbots and virtual assistants, candidates will experience better interaction and response time, keeping them engaged and posted throughout the whole recruitment process.

The negative effects of AI for recruiting

1. Issues with accuracy and reliability

Unfortunately, there are a number of cons related to the use of AI in recruiting. Hence, AI cannot be considered as perfect. One of the major faults of the applicant tracking system is that it lacks accuracy and reliability as it can easily be confused by formatting options. For example, an applicant might have all the good qualities that a recruiter seeks, but still fail to qualify into the AI’s list due to some unorthodox style of bullet points used in the application or resume.

2. Too much dependency on certain keywords

It is believed that AI depends largely on keywords which helps to shortlist their preferred candidates. So, in a situation where a potential candidate is knowledgeable of this loophole of the system, the candidate can include such keywords which can lure the system into believing that such candidates are a good fit for the advertised positions which may not be the situation.

3. Lacks nuance of human judgment

AI may not be the best option to use in a recruitment process where the company is keen on hiring a diverse workforce. AI does not have the capacity to sieve candidates based on certain personal traits. For instance, there may be potential employees that may lack required work experience but may be the best fit for the position due to their personality, personal interests, interpersonal skills, character, and work ethics. Being knowledgeable of an individual’s interpersonal skills largely requires human judgment and, in this situation, the use of an AI can greatly reduce the diversity in a workforce. 

Will AI eventually replace human recruiters?

It is argued that AI will eventually replace humans in the coming years. Others believe that AI will create more jobs for humans. Yet, the jobs that may be replaced by AI are the ones that are more monotonous and repetitive. Thus, this indicates that humans remain relevant especially when it involves jobs that require human interrelationships. AI for recruiters seeks to automate those tasks, freeing up time to better engage candidates on a personal basis. Like how technology has created efficiencies in operations, marketing and sales departments, human resources are being transformed by emerging AI technology. Even though AI is getting a lot of traction, eventually, AI technology will be used to enhance human capabilities rather than replace people completely. While AI for recruiting has the potential to fully automate some functions that are currently done manually, other functions can't yet be replaced by technology. AI cannot replace people with jobs that require social skills, empathy and negotiating abilities

The top 10 AI recruiting tools

Recruiting teams can now leverage the power of AI through tools that help them source, screen, and hire the best applicants.  However, it is difficult to tell which AI recruiting tools are the most ideal. The best recruiting tools.

1. Paradox

2. Fetcher

3. Humanly

4. XOR

5. hireEZ

6. Arya

7. Seekout

8. eightfold

9. AmazingHiring

10. Textio


3 Examples of Algorithms that Demonstrate Artificial Intelligence Bias

Surprisingly, there are some algorithms that have in the past demonstrated Artificial Intelligence Bias. Such kind of bias is often demonstrated against minorities such as Black or coloured people or even women etc. Some algorithms can learn and adopt the bias traits in humans. Some of such examples are mentioned below:

 1. COMPAS Algorithm biased against black people

COMPAS, which stands for Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions is an artificial intelligence algorithm used in the USA to predict which criminals are more likely to reoffend in the future. However, ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning nonprofit news organization, found that COMPAS was biased. Black criminals were judged to be much more likely to recommit crimes in the future than they committed. On the other hand, white criminals were judged less risky than they were by COMPAS. This discovery in COMPAS proved that it had somehow learned the inherent bias that is frequent in humans, which is, black people commit many more crimes than white people on average and are more likely to commit crimes in the future as well.

2. PredPol Algorithm biased against minorities

PredPol also known as predictive policing is an artificial intelligence algorithm that predicts where crimes will occur in the future based on the crime data collected by the police. This algorithm is already used by the USA police departments in California, Florida, Maryland, etc. It aims to reduce the human bias in the police department. This is possible as the prediction of crimes is done by AI. However, researchers in the USA discovered that PredPol itself was biased and it repeatedly directed police officers to specific neighborhoods that contained many racial minorities regardless of how much crime happened in the area. This was because of a feedback loop in PredPol wherein the algorithm predicted more crimes in regions where more police reports were made. However, it could be that more police reports were made in these regions because the police concentration was higher in these regions, maybe due to the existing human bias. This also resulted in a bias in the algorithm which sent more police to these regions as a result.

3. Amazon’s Recruiting Engine biased against Women

The Amazon recruiting engine is an artificial intelligence algorithm that was created to analyze the resumes of job applicants applying to Amazon and decide which ones would be called for further interviews and selection. This algorithm was an attempt by Amazon to mechanize their hunt for talented individuals and remove the inherent human bias that is present in all human recruiters. However, the Amazon algorithm turned out to be biased against women in the recruitment process. This may have occurred as the recruiting algorithm was trained to analyze the candidates’ resume by studying Amazon’s response to the resumes that were submitted in the past 10 years. However, the human recruiters who analyzed these resumes in the past were mostly men with an inherent bias against women candidates that were passed on to the AI algorithm. When Amazon studied the algorithm, they found that it automatically handicapped the resumes that contained words like “women” and automatically downgraded the graduates of two all-women colleges. Therefore, Amazon finally discarded the algorithm and didn’t use it to evaluate candidates for recruitment.

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