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August 10, 2020

"Data for Good & Ethics" | Special Banking Innovation Award

August 10, 2020

"Data for Good & Ethics" | Special Banking Innovation Award

Source: IOC

For the fourth consecutive year, Société Générale and Wavestone awarded the Banking Innovation Awards.

Due to the health crisis, the Banking Innovation Awards of Société Générale and Wavestone did not have their usual ceremony in 2020. However, the fourth edition did take place and once again distinguished start-ups offering interesting tools or services for the banking and financial sector. This year, four were awarded prizes following the deliberations of a jury that included representatives from Société Générale and Wavestone, as well as from ANSSI and a university specialist in self-learning artificial intelligence.

The two grand prize winners will be invited to test their solutions within the Societe Generale Group and to integrate the Wavestone Shake'Up startup accelerator. The two special awards range from a presentation to Societe Generale's Strategic Usage Committee and Safety Innovation Committee and Wavestone's Innovation Corner, plus three coaching sessions with experts from both companies.

Cybersecurity 2020 Grand Prize: Hackuity

Hackuity offers a platform for managing corporate IS vulnerabilities. By proposing a risk-based approach, this tool allows to manage priorities and to sacrifice, if necessary, vulnerabilities of lesser importance. Hackuity collects, standardizes and orchestrates all security assessment practices, automated or manual.

Data & AI 2020" Grand Prize: Inqom

Offered in SaaS mode, Inqom is a solution for automating corporate accounting, based on artificial intelligence, intended more for accounting firms to process their clients' data. It also provides company managements with relevant indicators to ensure the management of their companies. Inqom is the new from "Fred de la Compta".

Data for Good & Ethics Special Prize: Isahit

Presenting itself as a socially responsible platform linking artificial and human intelligence, Isahit offers digital services that cannot be performed by machines. Isahit's subscribers are 1000 poor women from 27 developing countries on three continents (Asia, Africa and South America), who thus obtain an appreciable supplement of income to start a business or pay for their education. 45 use cases are proposed such as document or database validation or chatbots training.

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Special "Cybersecurity Made In France" prize: CryptoNext

Faced with the decryption power of the classical algorithms used for decades by quantum computing, CryptoNext proposes new encryption approaches. This start-up is the result of work at Inria and the University of Paris 1.

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