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August 16, 2016

Digital Africa has assets!

August 16, 2016

Digital Africa has assets!

It has become the world's second largest telecom market behind Asia. It is the market with the highest growth rate in the last ten years: 30% per year on average.

Indeed, Africa today is a market of more than one billion people (2.1 billion in 2050), with a penetration rate of mobile subscribers of 69% in 2015. According to the results of studies conducted by McKinsey, the outlook for 2025 is for an Internet penetration rate of around 50%, 600 million daily Internet users, and 360 million smartphones in circulation on the continent.

Sources: Deloitte, McKinsey Global Institute and JDN

Mobile devices, the new African Internet leaders.

The smartphone now overtakes the computer, fixed or laptop, to surf the Web. In recent months, however, it is the tablet that has seen the most remarkable progress among the various media of the Internet.
In just two years, the number of tablet users has increased by 38%. This represents 2.6 million people.
Source: Net-Metric

On the occasion of the 1st African Impact Sourcing Cocktail, come and discover the new opportunities in Africa and the actions led by isahit and its association isahit help, meet its team and many guests who will share their experiences in the fields of social impact and outsourcing over a cocktail.

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