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January 20, 2019

From "isahit" to "10,000 coders": the professionalism of "hiteuses" is a huge asset for their careers in the digital professions

January 20, 2019

From "isahit" to "10,000 coders": the professionalism of "hiteuses" is a huge asset for their careers in the digital professions

Article from Linkedin, written by Douglas Mbiandou, president of 10 000 coders

with 15% of women in its ranks for its pilot phase (training and insertion of 100 people in Senegal, Cameroon and Côte d'ivoire for the profession of developer) The program 10,000 coders is not to date a model of mixed. But things could change as a result of my meeting with Isabelle MASHOLA, CEO and co-founder of ISAHIT, a socially responsible platform that provides digital work in the form of income supplement to young women in Africa to enable them to carry out a life project such as creating their business or continuing or resuming their studies. Find out in this article why we want to work together, and what will be the added value of our social impact collaboration. Also discover an example of "hiteuse" became beneficiary 10,000 encoders and inserted.


Isahit was born out of the willingness to make profitable business with a maximum of social impact. The Cabinet KIMSO, specialized in social impact measurement defined with Isahit 6 criteria for measuring its impact: family, education, employment and income, health, lodging anddevelopment Staff. These criteria are used to measure the concrete impact of isahit in the life of hiteuses.

10,000 encoders gain silver increase

Isahit gives dignity and opportunities through work mainly to the women of the Continent wishing to finance their studies, start an entrepreneurial project, acquire financial independence or simply improve their conditions of life. the ambition is to make 10,000 people work at 5 years of age.

10,000 coders project platform task

Isahit accompanies its clients in the management and processing of data, entrusted to people in Africa. Are you interested? Become hiteuses. Here are some numbers (December 2018)


In addition to generating income for hiteuses, ISAHIT significantly increases their professionalism. A true accompaniment to the company codes and essential know-how: to present itself, to write an email, to create and update its Linkedin profile, to be rigorous, punctual, to be reliable, to have the right attitude in various situations... and many other stains that make these profiles interesting for a company: the famous "Soft skills".

An accompaniment that goes in the direction of what we are trying modestly to do especially through the Guide to preparing a job interview.

A guide written by my brother Oury DIALLO Shortly after the Launch of 10,000 Guinea encoders.


As of 2019, the application process for the 10,000 coders program is evolving. Henceforth we will refuse to accompany in the professions of the digital ones which we do not ' give envy to the recruiters of computer profiles.

10,000 coders training for digital jobs

The two interviews (including the second filmed) that we pass before submitting a profile to the Pedagogical Committee 10,000 coders of the target country guarantee us the adequacy of the attitude of the cendudat with the codes of the world of work.

In my opinion the hiteuses are much more likely to pass these caps on the part of the professional coaching carried out by ISAHIT. We are particularly interested in them.


Dear Hiteuses: Learn a trade in the digital sector! Join the 10,000 family of coders. Drop the prejudices on computers that would be reserved for men. Check out this humorous video produced by OBJIS and TOTEM EXPERIENCE to get the message across:


Côte d'ivoire is one of the most hiteuses countries in the world.

In 2016, the second Hiteuse recruited in Côte d'ivoire was Nabounou KANE Devil.

After Isahit, Naboubou integrated The program 10,000 coders (2017) for the target craft " FullStack Developer", framed by its main trainer Soungale Yao A of the Pillars 10,000 Coders Côte d'ivoire.

It is through the French Tech Abidjan That we have known Nabounou. The latter was selected following a competition conducted by FTA and leading to free training in code with 10,000 coders. Thanks in particular to John PIOFFRET And Richard Ball Who handled this file.

It can be said that Nabounou was up to the confidence and managed to transform the essay. Discover the Simulation of hiring technical maintenance That I had the opportunity to realize six months after the beginning of the courses.

I am with my big Brother Dogad Dogoui who kindly made himself available for the occasion in Abidjan in the premises of 10,000 coders Côte d'ivoire.

What did you think of Nabounou's attitude? regardless of the technical quality of her answers, we feel that she has some form of insurance that may interest a recruiter. Moreover it was not long ago: Nabounou flourishes now at his employer FUTURE AFRIC, an American company specializing in artificial Intelligence/Blockchain Technologies also presents to the international including Côte d'ivoire. His boss Mr Isaac BAYOH is very demanding and insists a lot when recruiting on the quality of the know-how, the attitude, the professionalism of the candidates.


It was a very nice meeting with Isabelle MASHOLA.

Isabelle allowed me to meet other actors who put digital in the service of social inclusion with a real will of meaning.

Special dedication to the inspiring co-founder of MALTEM Pascal MENNESSON and the indispensable John Paul The strong man of MALTEM IMPACT .

Through these actors, I discover other actors #TechForGood and initiatives that really speak to me as Share IT or even the France Eco Social Tech Network (FEST). Too good!


We invite the women of the Continent to Become Hiteuse. We invite the hiteuses of the ISAHIT network to become Program Candidate 10,000 Coders. A program with a high potential for the employability of the young people and women of the Continent in the digital professions. A program that will make Africa the lung of the global digital industry.

Article from Linkedin, written by Douglas Mbiandou, president of 10 000 coders

with 15% of women in its ranks for its pilot phase (training and insertion of 100 people in Senegal, Cameroon and Côte d'ivoire for the profession of developer) The program 10,000 coders is not to date a model of mixed. But things could change as a result of my meeting with Isabelle MASHOLA, CEO and co-founder of ISAHIT, a socially responsible platform that provides digital work in the form of income supplement to young women in Africa to enable them to carry out a life project such as creating their business or continuing or resuming their studies. Find out in this article why we want to work together, and what will be the added value of our social impact collaboration. Also discover an example of "hiteuse" became beneficiary 10,000 encoders and inserted.

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