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August 5, 2022

How Artificial Intelligence can serve Human Rights?

August 5, 2022

How Artificial Intelligence can serve Human Rights?

What are human rights?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was announced by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948 referred to the thirty rights and freedoms that belong to all of us. It is a basis on which all international human rights law stand.

How Artificial Intelligence serves Human Rights

Privacy Protection 

Artificial intelligence sees to it that your right to privacy is protected at a more sophisticated level than ever before. An example is Google Mail. Anytime one's Google Mail account is open from an unknown device, the system sensor emails for verification. In the wake up through social Media account hacking, WhatsApp has introduced two-step verification code settings to protect users. Many smartphones now have the option of using fingerprints or facial recognition to unlock users' phones or any personal data they wish to keep private.

Limiting bias

In recruiting, employers may consciously or unconsciously judge candidates based on criteria that are not related to experience or skills. 

Artificial intelligence allows to limit the bias that some employers may have, because it is supposed to be programmed to ignore certain information such as age, origin, sex, religion...  

Assistance to people with disabilities 

Artificial intelligence for voice assistance was developed to help people living independently but suffering from visual impairments to communicate with others.

Intelligence Oversight

The use of Automated Number Plate Recognition is going a long way to help the police and other law enforcement bodies. It reads, recognises and acquires images of vehicle registration plates through the use of digital cameras. These cameras capture videos or still images. It processes the images with the use of recognition algorithms and surveys areas where security services may not take note. It also helps them to multitask and their monitoring activities without missing out on any important information. 

Law enforcement and criminal justice

Artificial intelligence is helping in law enforcement and carrying out criminal justice. The use of facial recognition technology is helping to a large extent recognise lawbreakers and crime suspects. Online financial services such as PayPal are helping to detect internet fraud. Within the medical fraternity, the causes and manner of death are detected through radiological images from artificial intelligence algorithms.

Health Care

Virtual health assistance and chat boxes are helping patients who may not be able to make it to a health care center or afford healthcare consultancy. Softwares has been developed to measure blood pressure, temperature and heart beats, reducing the pressure on health personnel having to use equipment which may not be affordable to a lot of people. Within the medical industry also, the causes and manner of death are detected through radiological images from artificial intelligence algorithms.

Misinformation and Disinformation

Artificial intelligence contributes to improving universal access to information, which is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

Artificial intelligence, when used for moderation purposes, will be able to detect false and offensive information. 

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