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May 12, 2022

How visual annotation is used to help doctors diagnose patients?

May 12, 2022

How visual annotation is used to help doctors diagnose patients?

What is Visual annotation?

Visual annotation in computer vision is the technology that allows computers to gain high-level understanding of digital images or videos and to see and interpret visual information just like humans. Annotation, or image tagging, is a primary step in the creation of most computer vision models. It is necessary for datasets to be useful components of machine learning and deep learning for computer vision.

What is medical image annotation?

Medical imaging is the use of different technologies to view the human body to diagnose, monitor, or treat medical conditions. The use of medical imaging enables efficient and accurate interpretation of images generated by each of these technologies, which includes radiography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging. When it comes to the detection and diagnosis of various diseases and ailments, deep learning and machine learning techniques can provide different solutions for medical image interpretation.

Does medical AI drive better healthcare outcomes?

Yes! Medical AI drives better healthcare outcomes.  It is believed that Artificial intelligence is transforming all areas of life including the healthcare sector.  AI can generate better healthcare outcomes as it allows practitioners to leverage large data to diagnose and treat diseases. Machine learning, for instance, helps doctors to detect issues faster whereas researchers in the medical field can make high strides and have a better understanding of novel diseases such as COVID-19, and HIV-AIDS.

1. Shorten diagnosis and treatment times

Medical AI helps to drive better healthcare outcomes in diverse areas. Most importantly, medical AI quickly identifies medical abnormalities in visual data. Scans such as CT and MRI have been trained and it has proven valuable in diagnosing a broad range of conditions including cancer and vascular diseases. Simply, medical AI is effective in reducing the time it takes to diagnose illness. The biggest advantage of AI in the medical field is its speed and it takes less time to analyze data as compared to humans.

2. Reduce the risk of human error

Regardless of how diligent humans are, they are more prone to make errors in the work they do. With the use of AI in the medical field, human errors can easily be avoided. AI helps to reduce human errors easily. In fact, an adequately trained machine learning platform can spot things people might not be able to. Medical AI can help improve healthcare outcomes as it enables faster and more accurate decision-making that drives better outcomes.

3. Empower faster medical research

When conducting any form of medical research, AI can be used to test and analyze samples in massive datasets. AI can thoroughly search through vast medical literature and images and draw information that will better help predict opportunities to develop future drugs.

Clinical trials can be lengthy, and it typically takes years for a new drug to be approved and allowed to enter the market. With the invention of medical AI, time spent in trials is reduced significantly and this cuts down the long process involved in medical research.  

4. Deliver precision healthcare  

Medical AI can power more personalized and preventative insights. A well-trained medical AI solution can use the right data to make real-time decisions and create predictive models that can spot problems faster and accurately before medical professionals can. This helps medical practitioners make smarter decisions unique to every patient.

Having said this, this is not meant to downplay the role of highly skilled medical practitioners. Yet, the work of AI in the medical arena only facilitates the work of the medical field and the work on AI is largely dependent on high-quality image annotation.  

How does image annotation help advance medical AI?

As mentioned early on, there is no doubt that image annotation helps advance medical AI in a plethora of ways.

1. Based on their annotations it’s possible to assist doctors and to give them automatically pertinent information, from the internet, after studying and analyzing their annotations.

2. Medical diagnosis cannot be taken lightly, it may come with a lot of difficulties as diagnosis takes time and requires multiple laboratory tests. As already mentioned, there are plenty of unpremeditated errors, and some diseases cannot be detected by human eye or even intelligence.  This is where medical computer vision comes in as they provide healthcare workers with data that drive better outcomes in radiology, pathology, life sciences, and more, in a timely fashion.

Proper image annotation is core here. Effective machine learning models depend on accurate training data and medical images (CT and MRI scans) that can be used to train the machine learning model. Such scans provide accurate diagnosis and give treatment solutions. This can be done through accurate image annotation. The machine must be well trained to identify specific features in that data.

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