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March 3, 2021

"A company to watch for" in 2021: isahit, the impact sourcing platform

March 3, 2021

"A company to watch for" in 2021: isahit, the impact sourcing platform

The impact sourcing platform for digital tasks has been selected in October 2020 to be included in IAOP's Impact Sourcing Champions Index in partnership with the Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI).

Take a look at the Impact Sourcing Index Champions here.

During the week of IAOP's Virtual OWS21, which took place during the week of February 17, 2021, isahit was announced as a finalist and a "2021 Impact Sourcing Company To Watch for" for the work Isahit has done - and is doing - to advance and promote Impact Sourcing in our industry and for making a difference in the lives of those in underserved communities.

What is Impact Sourcing?

Impact Sourcing is a business model where organizations intentionally hire and provide career development opportunities to people who otherwise have limited prospects. The practice has the potential to transform their lives, while also benefiting the companies that employ them and the communities where they live.

At isahit, we offer, through our socially responsible digital outsourcing platform, an innovative solution for companies aiming to do good while increasing productivity in their activities and for underprivileged populations, an opportunity to work and acquire digital skills in order not to be left behind in today's ever-changing world.

Launched in 2017, our digital platform brings together a community of more than 1,000 women from emerging countries on 3 continents, with professional projects that benefit from both part-time work and digital training, through our ecosystem and our Isahit Digital Academy program.

We are proud to receive the Global Impact Sourcing Award as a Company to Watch". This recognition further encourages us to pursue our mission, aligned with goals 1, 8 and 10 of the United Nations sustainable development goals: no poverty, by creating an enabling environment to empower women contributors, the "hiters" of our platform, to provide decent work that allows them to realize their professional projects, and to reduce inequalities by allowing them to earn a fair income supplement based on the work done on our platform.

To learn more about our Impact, take a look at our 2020 Infographic of our Social Impact made by KIMSO

About IAOP

IAOP is the association that brings together customers, providers and advisors in a collaborative, knowledge-based environment that promotes professional and organizational development, recognition, certification and excellence to improve business service models and outcomes.

To be included in the index, companies must submit the online application. Applications are reviewed by IAOP and the Social Impact Committee. Companies that succeed in today's competitive marketplace don't just do well, they do good. IAOP, is committed to the promotion of Impact Sourcing as a transformative business model as well as supporting our members who are putting Impact Sourcing into action.

To learn more about IAOP: check their website

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