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May 25, 2021

Newsletter - May 2021 - Isahit continues its international development and opens up to Europe

May 25, 2021

Isahit continues its international development and opens up to Europe

Newsletter May 2021: see the newsletter in your browser

Launched in 2017, the socially responsible digital task outsourcing platform bridges the gap between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. The startup is continuing its international development. Isahit is present in Africa, Asia, South America and now in Europe. 🎉

A unique and proven virtuous model

From the beginning, isahit has been based on a model of solidarity.

The digital platform offers part-time work opportunities (100 hours maximum per month) and digital training to women from developing countries or socio-economically disadvantaged people. This allows them to earn additional income to finance a concrete project: resuming or continuing higher education, creating or developing an entrepreneurial activity or professional training while waiting to start their professional career.

To date, more than 1,500 HITers (Human Intelligent Task, the name given to the women working on the platform) have been supported by isahit since the launch of the platform. In addition, more than 8,365 hours of digital training have been given to HITers. We were thus able to set up the Isahit Digital Academy an online training programme, which enables us to support our community in their digital literacy.

We can also count on our partners such as OpenClassRooms, the Orange Cameroon Foundation, Microsoft, LinkedIn, LiveMentor or Google, for example, to support us in the development of this aspect of our activity.

Today, isahit also allows women from Albania, Bulgaria and Montenegro to benefit from this opportunity to work online and learn digital skills while carrying out their professional project in parallel.

And which meets a growing need of companies

With the acceleration of the digital transition of companies, regulatory changes and the awareness of the importance of ensuring greater control over their data, companies now wish to outsource the processing of their data on their national territory. With the launch of its Data Residency offer, isahit is responding to this growing need of companies. Convinced that it is necessary to have a positive impact in the countries where we can open our platform while remaining true to our values and identity, this opening in Europe will allow us to respond effectively to the different needs of our clients and prospects.


  • An innovative and agile digital task technology platform for artificial intelligence training and data processing available in English and French
  • More than 250 satisfied customers who trust us
  • More than 60,000,000 digital tasks performed with 24/7 coverage
  • Over 8 languages supported including French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese and Mandarin

💡Our core mission as an impact sourcing player is to give the opportunity to work to over 10,000 people who have never had the opportunity within the next 4 years.

This international development, although challenging, is a great opportunity for isahit to stand out both through our innovative solutions and through our dynamic, multicultural and committed community.

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