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December 16, 2021

Newsletter - December 2021 - Isahit is the first European ethical AI company certified B Corp!

December 16, 2021

Isahit is the first European ethical AI company certified B Corp!

2 billion people live on an income of less than 2 dollars a day. Among them, 70% are women. It is to address this problem that Isabelle Mashola and Philippe Coup-Jambet created isahit in 2017, an ethical data labeling platform on which women from all over the world can work and train for digital jobs. 

5 years later, we are very happy to report the following: 

  • more than 1700 women have worked with isahit in 38 different countries on more than 2500 digital projects entrusted by more than 300 clients
  • since the opening of our training school: the Isahit Digital Academy, 15,000 hours of training have been given to our community  

Every day since the creation of isahit, our teams have been focusing their efforts on reinforcing the impact of our model and we are very proud to announce that we are officially B corp certified! 

What does being B Corp certified mean? 

The B Corp Movement

The B Corp movement seeks to develop a partnership economy, not a shareholder economy; an economy that serves the common good and is based on collaboration and mutual support.

B Corp™ is both a French and international community of impact companies, a free impact monitoring and measurement tool accessible to all, and a label that certifies companies that respect high social and environmental standards : 

1. A French and international community of impact companies

In 2021, there are more than 4,000 certified B Corp companies of all sizes and sectors in 77 countries, including more than 150 in France.

2. A free impact monitoring and measurement tool accessible to all

A tool that measures the impact of both business models and operations around 5 pillars: Governance, Employees, Community, Environment and Customers.

3. An internationally recognized label

Companies with a final BIA score of more than 80 points can apply to become a "Certified B Corporation®". 

B Corp in the world 

In 2021, more than 4,000 companies, including more than 150 in France, will place social, societal and environmental impact at the heart of their raison d'être and their business model.

Some figures about the BIA (Self-assessment tool created and distributed online, free of charge, by B Lab):

55: Average score of companies that have completed a BIA.

91 : Average score of French B Corp.

133 : Highest score of a French B Corp.

11 : # of new BIA sessions created / day in 2020 in France

3 : # of BIA filings / week in 2020 in France.

50% : The success rate of companies in the audit. 

Why we wanted to become a B Corp

For isahit, the objective was to evaluate the impact generated on our community, to affirm our positioning but also to identify our areas of improvement. 

Becoming a B Corp™ is not just about obtaining a label: it is about committing to a path of transformation and progress, which is both demanding and exciting. A path to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and become, not the best in the world, but the best FOR the world. 

Thus, for 7 months, we evaluated the impact of our business model and operations with the B Corp tool, based on 5 pillars: Governance, Employees, Community, Environment and Customers. 

Today, we are very proud to be the first European Ethical AI company to be B Corp certified and the 6th French company with a total of 114 points. Discover our dedicated page on the B Corp website.

What does being B Corp certified mean to us?  

Being B Corp certified is a victory but also a promise: to strengthen training and education for our community, to continue to challenge ourselves both locally and globally and, with the help of the B Corp community, to encourage and promote the Social and Solidarity Economy ecosystem.  

By being part of the isahit ecosystem, you are also part of our mission and we are excited to share this win with you today!

Be sure to stay up to date on our impact metrics on our dedicated page.

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Want to scale up your data labeling projects
and do it ethically? 

We have a wide range of solutions and tools that will help you train your algorithms. Click below to learn more!