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February 13, 2017


February 13, 2017

Isahit, an impact sourcing platform, is partnering with MakeSense to consolidate its community in Africa and accelerate its international expansion.

Isahit announces its partnership with MakeSense, the international network that supports social entrepreneurs in their solidarity challenges. With a presence in 128 cities around the world, Isahit is counting on this association to expand its service in Asia and Latin America.

With Hubs in Burkina, Senegal and Côte d'ivoire among others, MakeSense is a privileged partner who relays with local actors and federates its broad community around Isahit.
Each worker or HITeur (HIT for Human Intelligence Task), is attached to a Hub, to ensure their profile and to ensure quality monitoring of the tasks entrusted.

"I immediately liked the agile, flexible and collaborative mode of MakeSense compared to other more traditional organisations in the development of young entrepreneurs in Africa. Belonging to a community and helping each other is part of isahit's values and it is therefore a great pleasure for us to have them on our side to develop. "explains Isabelle Mashola, President of isahit.

Isahit is an impact sourcing platform that links disadvantaged people from African countries with French companies that outsource part of their digital activities (data processing and analysis, management and moderation of Content, etc.).

In parallel, the association Isahit help recruits people whose living conditions are difficult and helps them to develop their skills, provides them with the tools and spaces necessary to work and accompanies them in their steps Administrative.

"MakeSense is an international community that allows all those who wish to engage in the problems that affect them, helping social entrepreneurs to solve their challenges to develop." In concrete terms, the MakeSense model is based on an exchange of ideas and skills between a community of young volunteers and entrepreneurs who need support to develop their innovative solutions. MakeSense West Africa, based in Dakar, is the structure that ensures the development of the community of Isahit in Francophone Africa. Says Alizée Lozac'hmeur, Head of Development of MakeSense.

"We work with Isahit because we want to address the financial security issues of entrepreneurs, and volunteers who are committed to the general interest in Africa," continues Mamba Souare, Community developer of MakeSense Africa .

This collaboration allows Isahit to strengthen its presence in Africa and to accelerate its international expansion. The startup aims to impact several tens of thousands of families between 4 and 5 years and to establish themselves by 2018 in Asia and then in Latin America in the medium term.

About Isahit

Launched in 2016 by Isabelle Mashola and Philippe Coup-Jambet, isahit is a self-service platform for outsourcing digital projects of French companies that transforms them into digital micro-tasks, easy to perform by entrusting them to "workers" or HITers (HIT: Human Intelligence Task). The startup is part of a co-development approach by giving back dignity through work to people looking for additional income to finance their studies, to start an entrepreneurial project or simply to improve their living conditions.

Isahit aims to establish itself in 10 countries in Francophone and anglophone Africa, running 2017 and to collect 10 000 HITers to create a social impact with 40 000 people, within 4 to 5 years.

About MakeSense

MakeSense is an international community that brings together SenseMakers and gangsters in 128 cities around the world to help social entrepreneurs solve their challenge. By bringing together our skills and ideas, we can help social entrepreneurs create their business and grow to solve the most pressing problems of society for causes such as: education, health, the environment, food, Etc.

Press Contacts
Kalima Agency
Melissa Rancé – Sarah Hashem 42 21 56 52


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