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August 12, 2017

isahit startup wins Finance Innovation label

August 12, 2017

isahit startup wins Finance Innovation label

Isahit, social startup and responsible, impact sourcing specialist wins the Label Finance Innovation, in the sector social and solidarity economy.

Finance Innovation has awarded Isahit, a platform for impact sourcing, its Label Finance Innovation in the social economy and solidarity sector, after identifying it as an engine for the competitiveness of its sector, according to 3 criteria (strategy, Innovation and credibility).

The startup has been selected by a jury of highly qualified experts in the fields of finance, technology, industry and the humanities.

Co-founded in 2016 by Isabelle Mashola and Philippe Coup-Jambet, isahit's mission is to integrate, through work, people from emerging countries looking for a supplementary income(1), thanks to digital micro-tasks. These digital tasks come from French companies who wish to outsource part of their digital activity (processing, data management or content moderation), while having a positive socio-economic impact. Isahit today accounts for nearly two hundred HITeurs(2), mainly women, in 8 countries in Africa.

Isahit aims to reduce the digital divide in emerging countries by forming the African populations in the labor and digital code. The startup is positioned as a real lever towards a sustainable and responsible economy and is part of a process of co-development with French companies.

Since its inception Isahit has contributed to the bankarisation of 60 people, to the creation of 75 statutes of auto entrepreneurs and has impacted in a positive way the living conditions of 91 people, in francophone Africa.  

Awarded during the event End & Tech Community, this Friday, December 8th at the Palais Brongniart, the label Finance Innovation, will allow Isahit to take advantage of the network of the pole through the various major events organized in France and abroad, to access a specific and targeted accompaniment of the Programme and to facilitate access to public or private financing.

«Finance Innovation Rewards every year 100 projects created by Fintechs. We are proud to be part of the 2017 promotion of future finance nuggets, discovered by the pole. The label will serve as a springboard to accelerate our development and increase our visibility on the world fintech stage. », says Isabelle Mashola, President of isahit.

"Finance Innovation carries out concrete actions to identify and accompany the most innovative projects in the financial sector, in the service of growth and employment in France and internationally.", Says Joëlle Durieux, director general, Finance Innovation.

1For 3 hours of work per day, €250 (or 160 000 CFA) earned per month.

2HIT: Human Intelligence Task

About Isahit

Isahit is part of a co-development process by restoring dignity and opportunities through work to those wishing to finance their studies, start an entrepreneurial project, acquire financial independence or for any Simply improve their living conditions.

To avoid a digital divide, the startup's mission is to give the opportunity to the talents that do not have the means to form and to connect to the digital, through the work.

Isahit has more than 245 HITers on its crowdsourcing platform, mainly women, distributed in 8 countries in Francophone Africa. Isahit aims to establish itself in 10 countries in Francophone and Anglophone Africa at the end of 2017 and to collect 10 000 HITers to create a social impact with 40 000 people, within 4 to 5 years.

About the Finance Innovation cluster

FINANCE INNOVATION, a global competitiveness cluster, has been carrying out concrete actions since its creation in 2007 to facilitate the creation and development of innovative projects in the financial sector, on themes with high economic, societal and In the service of growth and employment.

In particular on a network of nearly 400 members, public and private, FINANCE INNOVATION federates The actors of the bank, the insurance, the management of assets, the professions of the number and the Council, the real estate, the social economy and solidarity, the Research, as well as local authorities and public authorities.

Read the press release in PDF: click here

Press Contacts

Kalima Agency
Mélissa Rancé
+ 33 (0) 1 42 21 56 52 | + 33 (0) 6 10 91 78 46

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