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September 9, 2019


September 9, 2019


This week, discover the portrait of,Isabelle Mashola CEO and co-founder of isahit in The echoes.

She was named one of the 40 most influential women in the B to B by the B2B Rocks conference.

"After working for EDS (acquired by HP in 2008), Cisco, Dell and then Publicis, the engineer by training Isabelle Mashola has spent a large part of her career in large international groups. "I have always been motivated by challenges and by the desire to learn new things," she says. Setting up her own company was probably a response to these needs, but also to a strong desire for freedom and independence. "In large groups, the higher up the hierarchy you go, the more you are what you say, and less what you do," she says. A freedom of speech that she has rediscovered since 2016, by co-founding the "tech for good" start-up Isahit.

Intangible values

And Isabelle Mashola relishes the opportunity to infuse it with her values. The older you get, the less you are willing to compromise on them," she says. For me, fairness, respect and benevolence are essential. And I have always, throughout my career, supported women. "Isahit acts as an intermediary between companies like Sodexo, Adecco or BNP that need to clean or sort data, and 1,200 women in Africa. "But it's not just crowdsourcing, with us, the women only work a maximum of 100 hours a month, and must have a side project, which this work is used to finance. Today, this Franco-Greek says she is "happy with [herself]", and plans the future of her company: Isahit is currently setting up in Manila (Philippines) and should expand to Latin America next year. »

Read the article on Les Échos

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