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April 10, 2019

isahit and Orange Money join forces to promote financial inclusion

April 10, 2019

Isahit and Orange Money join forces to promote financial inclusion

The start-up Isahit helps African women to realize their life project – resume studies, become entrepreneurs... – by entrusting them with digital tasks outsourced from France. A bet that immediately spoke to Orange money, located in many African countries.''

Isahit is a socially responsible digital task outsourcing platform that helps women work in 17 African countries. The Bank costs are very high and the young growth has therefore sought a partner in order to reduce the cost of its money transfers from France to Africa. It was in this approach that she approached Orange money in 2018. The latter had so far no B2B offers and developed a specific solution to meet Isahit's needs. Today, Orange money develops solutions for API-based businesses that start-ups can easily integrate. Isahit was present on the Orange lab in 2018 and will still be in 2019. »

SOURCE: The echoes

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