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January 24, 2017

isahit, a responsible jobbing platform by Maddyness

January 24, 2017

Isahit, a responsible jobbing platform by Maddyness

Isahit is a platform that connects disadvantaged workers in French-speaking African countries with French companies looking to outsource some of their digital activities. Isabelle Mashola, co-founder and President of Isahit, presents its concept.

Isahit was born out of this desire to give birth to a model for developing skills, connecting people to each other and improving the living conditions of the populations of emerging countries through digital. Isahit is a socially responsible online platform that links socio-economically disadvantaged "workers" in francophone African countries and French companies seeking to outsource some of their digital activities. The workers or HITers – H.I. T for "Human Intelligent Task" – are commissioned by the young sprout on three types of digital micro-tasks, which cannot be automatically processed by a machine: data processing, content management and analysis of Data...

The Isahit platform natively includes artificial Intelligence (AI) components to facilitate and simplify the processing of digital tasks by HITers. Today, the startup is located in France, Cameroon, Congo, Burkina Faso, Côte d'ivoire and Senegal.

What's your business model?

Isahit proposes a rate of time spent of less than 5 euros per hour, similar to the pricing applied by the traditional actors of outsourcing, without social impact. The business model is as follows: Companies pay for the realization of their digital projects, the platform reverses 65% of the amounts paid to the "workers". The 30% commission is used to finance the development and maintenance of the platform, the customer relationship, marketing, etc. In parallel, 5% of revenues are returned to Isahit help whose mission is to help HITers access the Internet, lend them a tablet and accompany them to create a bank account and a local independent status if necessary.

Can you tell us your best anecdote from Startupper?

While travelling for the opening of our hub in Dakar and to better know the country outside the capital, our local HITers brought us to a paradise place in 150km de Dakar in a National park (Sine Saloum) or nature is protected and lush. In the morning, there were pelicans at the foot of our cabin on stilts.

What was your biggest galley?

The Internet in Africa is a challenge of every moment, due to its non-stability. Many times we have wasted time to connect, but you have to be patient... and in the end everything is settled in good mood and positive energy.

Are you currently looking for funds?

We want to raise funds, EUR 400 000, to finance our growth.

A special news to put forward?

We have just announced our implementation of the five African countries (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Congo and Senegal) and the signature of new customers (InnovAdvisor, GreenPoint, Small Business Act, Yeelenpix and Alma Learning Group).

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