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April 3, 2020

Newsletter - March 2020 - COVID-19 : Confined but not sunk!

April 3, 2020

Confined but not sunk!

March 2020 Newsletter

After China, Europe has been hit hard by the Covid-19 wave, which is now affecting not only America but also Africa. Every week, new countries are confining their populations. More than half of humanity now lives under a bell. One thing is certain, the world afterwards will be radically different from the one we have known so far.  

The digital transition or the virtues of resilience

This is especially true from a business perspective. Beyond the geopolitical considerations around globalization that are bound to arise, this crisis has highlighted one thing: companies that had begun their digital transition, prepared and equipped their teams for teleworking are resisting better than others. Despite the constraints, they can continue to operate. Let's bet that tomorrow, the digital transformation should see a major acceleration in all companies where it is relevant.


At isahit, these working methods are an integral part of our business model and our DNA. Convinced that well-paid and socially responsible digital labour is not only possible but also a powerful vector of economic and social emancipation, we have trained all our employees to telework. We not only have the technological tools at our disposal, but we have also developed the collective intelligence, and the values of collaboration, trust and sharing that are essential to meet the challenges posed to companies by the Covid crisis.

In support of our community

A crisis that will hit the world's most disadvantaged populations, the heart of the isahit community, all the harder. To accompany them in this ordeal:

  • we make them aware of life-saving gestures,
  • encourage them to connect with each other to share and feel less alone,
  • ask them to let us know what we could do to make their lives easier...

Above all, we give them the opportunity to generate an income from home, in complete security, to continue to provide for themselves and their families while pursuing the development of their personal or professional project that they presented during their integration at isahit.

Words of Hiteuses

It is in this philosophy that we have decided to reopen the inscriptions on Madagascar, the poorest country of our community, to offer a solution to those of our guests whose personal or professional project would have stopped because of the Covid-19 crisis. "Thanks to the platform, I continue to earn additional income while developing my skills in transcription and web writing," says Henintsoa. "Moreover, I can also quietly continue to develop my project of a shop for newborns, which I will set up in the province of Madagascar. "For others, it's even a question of subsistence. "Every activity is on a break at home. Even my mother can no longer work. My last isahit payment helped us to stock up," says Onintsoa. In Côte d'Ivoire, Erica was able to "recharge the wifi in the house and pay back part of her loan. In Senegal, Gnilane is taking advantage of the opportunity to diversify her experience by working on various projects.  

Innovation must go on

With the commitment of our team and our robust processes, we remain more than ever operational, serving our community and our customers for whom we ensure continuity of service in these difficult times. While many projects have been cancelled or postponed, business is still growing very strongly and some are even asking us to step up, even though they are sometimes faced with the failure of some of their traditional service providers. Innovation will not wait for the end of the Covid crisis. Neither will Isahit.

"Stay home. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. »

"Present in 26 countries and 3 continents, isahit has always placed diversity at the heart of its values. It is this diversity, which today is our strength in the face of this crisis and which reinforces us in the economic and social impact of our project. »
Isabelle Mashola, CEO of isahit

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