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June 27, 2019

Newsletter - June 2019 - Happy API

June 27, 2019

Happy API - Isahit          

 Newsletter June 2019

In the IT field, technical solutions allow software applications to communicate independently. Named API, they are at the heart of new value creation opportunities, with some economists going so far as to call it "an economic API." focus.

Application Programming Interface (API) is a dialogue technology that allows the exchange of services or data between applications. For developers, creations are made easier because this technology allows you to use the programs of existing applications without knowing the whole environment. Each API is accompanied by documentation defining the precise parameters needed by its user. A win-win solution for both the creator of a new application and the provider, with updates that can be made on both sides without consequences.

What applications?

This technology may seem difficult to understand, but you use it every day! Just this morning, when you watched the weather on your phone before you left your house, for example. This is indeed a typical example of the use of APIs for the general public, soliciting data from Météo France to display it simply on your smartphone. More generally,"every time you visit a web page, you interact with the API of a remote server,"says Arnaud Gallut of Ping Identity. "In practical terms, APIs facilitate the integration and connection of individuals, websites, systems, services, products, data, objects or software processing. And thus enable companies, large or small, to innovate, accelerate the marketing of new products and services, create new sources of revenue, improve the customer experience or share data and other resources. »

A crucial issue

APIs are therefore the cornerstone of the interconnectedness of people, services, objects and applications, allowing them to interact continuously and in real time. As such, they are now an unavoidable business issue. The firm Voirin, in its white paper on "The new challenges of APIs for organizations sums up: "The main issues are innovation and interaction at all levels: internally, with privileged partners and with the outside world. Project management and information governance can be revolutionized by using APIs as a turnkey service platform. Some economists do not hesitate to refer to the "API-economy" to emphasize its potential: economy in the broad sense of value creation. Finally, APIs are also a way to mobilize talent. For example, Orange, as part of its Orange Summer Challenge, offers to support entrepreneurs and developers on the creation of innovative tools and services from the Group's APIs.

Isahit: an API for collective intelligence

In the light of this technological revolution in progress, Isahit positions itself as anAPI in the service of humanintelligence. how? By instantly transmitting to the 1000 hiters, mostly women, in more than 17 African countries, our digital platform, the tasks cannot be carried out by computer programs. Whereas previously this kind of task blocked your workflow (or process of automating the flow of information flows from your organization), isahit interfaces between your program and a workforce still available through our APIs developed in-house. With this technology, your needs can be met in less than 2 minutes and completely confidential since nothing is stored on our servers. These advantages coupled with the power of crowdsourcing (a call to the intelligence and creativity of the crowd) allow us to process more and more tasks in the allotted time. It is now possible to connect men and women to work, regardless of their geographical and social situation.

Key figures isahit

  • a smart and agile digital platform (API)
  • a vibrant community of more than 1000 hiters
  • a presence in more than 17 French- and English-speaking African countries
  • more than 12 million digital micro-tasks performed
  • more than 471 digital projects for our customers

To learn more about what our smart platform and community are capable of doing, check out our use cases: click here.

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