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November 8, 2018

Discover the KIMSO 2018 computer graphics!

November 8, 2018

Discover the KIMSO 2018 computer graphics!

Newsletter November 2018

Isahit * Social impact measure: One year after the first evaluation KIMSO

July 2017 to July 2018

Launched in mid-2016 by Isabelle Mashola and Philippe Coup-Jambet, isahit's mission is to enable talented young people in developing countries to have part-time work through its digital task platform and to realise their concrete life projects.

Indeed, Isahit allows to earn a complementary income while being trained in the digital tools that are indispensable to take part in the digital world of tomorrow.

Since its launch, Isahit has been accompanied by KIMSO, a social impact assessment firm, to monitor and measure its social impact through a specific evaluation framework. one year after the first KIMSO evaluation carried out in July 2017, the results are very encouraging and positive! The Isahit adventure continues.

* Qualitative/Quantitative study KiMSO for Isahit conducted with HITeuses via questionnaires and individual interviews conducted between June and July 2018.

The new results from this second KIMSO study, over the period from July 2017 to July 2018 are:

A typical profile of the Hiteuse: female graduate of 27 years, connected and urban 👩 💻

Today, Isahit allows more than 580 hiters (name given to the workers of Isahit) towork on its platform of digital tasks, mainly women, spread over 12 countries of Francophone and Anglophone Africa whose Cameroon (34%), Côte d'ivoire (38%) and Togo (17%) among others. The hiteuses are 27 years old on average. Student (39%),  unemployed (48%) or active (13%), 64% of them are childless, live with their parents or are housed free of charge.

The revenues earned through the Isahit platform allow Hiteuses to fund in part or in full their studies, to start an entrepreneurial activity and/or to provide for their basic needs. 💶💰

The hiteuses, despite their level of degree, are struggling to enter the labour market: 87% are inactive before entering Isahit. They also express their difficulty in finding a stable or well-paid job.

Students face difficulties in funding their education (86%) and depend on their parents financially (81%). On the other hand, 78% would like to resume their studies but cannot for financial reasons.

Those with informal complementary activity earn less than €2 per day for 61% of them.

By integrating Isahit, hiteuses are motivated by their project of life :

  • 57% of Hiteuses want to finance their business and start their business.
  • 42% wish to resume or continue their studies.
  • 29% also want to provide financial support to their families.

These incomes allow the hiteuses to pay for their education, repay their debts, or even save and invest. According to the country, this corresponds to 2 to 4 times the minimum wage. So they are more financially stable and become independent.

The hiteuses exert a stable job while being surrounded by a dynamic community, composed of a team that accompanies them in their adventure on the platform and other ambitious and motivated hiteuses. All this ecosystem revolving around deeply rooted and deep values such as benevolence, transparency, honesty, sharing, fairness and collaborative intelligence gives hiteuses the means to flourish as a person But also professionally. They feel useful and recognized, gaining confidence in them and their projects until they are successful. Thus, they continue their studies or create their business in the formal economy.

Isahit: Empowerment vector of African woman by digital 💻🌍

Thanks to Isahit and its active community, the hiteuses have the power and the ability to act on their lives, to make choices. Their self-confidence is reinforced. They gain autonomy, independence and are testimonies of the hope that exists for tomorrow!

The feedback from the hiteuses encountered in this study shows that Isahit brings both financial and human: their daily life is improved, new perspectives are available to them.

Thanks to Isahit, the hiteuse becomes able to contribute to the expenses of its home while carrying out its projects. Of the person who asks for money, she becomes a resource person, sometimes even the person with the highest income from his home.

Beautiful true stories exist at Isahit since the beginning of the adventure and we are proud! 😄

Discover without further delay the complete computer graphics of the second study KIMSO

By clicking on the image or link below!


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