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October 28, 2020

Newsletter - October 2020 - Digital training, the key to success

October 28, 2020

Digital training, the key to success

Newsletter October 2020

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Technology is changing and evolving faster and faster. In this changing landscape, it has never been more important to have the tools and skills to adapt, with agility. Digital training, both to reduce the digital divide, but also to support workers at every stage of their career path and keep them up to speed, is essential. As a digital company, isahit is committed every day to give its employees the opportunity to be fully involved in this changing world.

According to INSEE, 38% of French people lack certain basic skills such as information retrieval, communication, or the use of software. A social and societal problem that highlights a deep digital divide, but also an economic one, as it reveals France's delay in training its working population in digital technology. According to theDesi indexpublished in June 2020 by the European Commission to measure the numerical performance of EU countries, France ranks 17th :

  • Only 30.9% of the French have more than basic numerical knowledge, compared to 50.1% of the Finns or 48.8% of the British ;
  • and the share of ICT specialists in total employment is only 3.9% compared to 6.8% in Sweden, for example.

Make a virtue of necessity

One of the challenges for companies therefore lies in the continuous training of their employees at every stage of their career in order to combat the obsolescence of skills. According to a study by McKinsey, they are not ready: "only 28% of managers consider that effective action is being taken to solve this problem". Human capital is becoming a major competitive factor and it is therefore important to prepare employees by bridging the digital skills gap. Some companies have understood this and the pandemic has only accelerated this awareness:

  • Amazon or Walmart are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in upgrading the skills of their employees,
  • In France, companies such as Orange, Veolia and Safran have set up their own training institutes.

An investment that makes sense: in a study entitled "The usefulness of professional training in the face of the digital revolution", economists Nathalie Chusseau and Jacques Pelletan of the Sapiens Institute estimate that training 10% of the French working population, i.e. 3 million people, in digital technology for 6 months would immediately increase GDP by 2.5%.

Isahit: Formation in the genes

At isahit, training is an integral part of our operation: before each mission, the hostesses are trained to its specificities; but also of our philosophy: we want to be a springboard, to give each of our hostesses the necessary digital baggage so that they can fly on their own wings. We therefore set up training modules on very specific points, linked to our business, but also on more generic knowledge. We are also working on a KPI system to better follow their evolution, take into account the acquisition of soft skills, and thus better support them. Finally, we rely heavily on exchanges within our community to generate mutual support. It's still our supporters who talk about it the best:

Kanto - Madagascar

"Isahit allows me to learn on a daily basis through the different missions and to finance my project: to create an association to help unemployed young people who can't handle a computer and to help them train themselves. »

Ines - Senegal

"Every new project brings me new skills such as using video editing software. By collaborating with isahit, I can finance my two projects: to complete a master's degree in digital communication and to create a digital platform to offer training to the girls in my village. »

Albertine - Cameroon

"The opinion moderation project I'm working on allows me to refine my analytical skills. I need to be able to verify the authenticity of an opinion or information based on a history. More generally, isahit allows me to improve my ability to work in a team and to familiarize myself with management and sharing tools. »

A word from Isabelle: "With our new Data Residency offer, we will be able to pursue our training mission here in France. We are already in discussion with SSE players to get people who are far from the digital world on the train. An inclusive technology: it's possible! »

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