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October 4, 2016

Incubators shaking up Africa

October 4, 2016

Incubators shaking up Africa

Newsletter October 2016

Incubators that upside West Africa

Will African countries be able to rise to the challenge of transitioning to more virtuous and benefit-oriented economic models connected to innovation, thus promoting digital development and the creation of very high value-added wealth? The road still seems long before a real "Savannah Valley" emerges. However, several positive signals are to be noted and encouraged.

The main barrier to creating startups in Africa is the lack of funding for risk and innovation. Despite this, significant progress has been made, particularly in terms of infrastructure designed to encourage innovation and startups. Things are really starting to move for several years and a number of incubators, innovation centres or co-working spaces are being developed in Senegal, Cameroon, Togo, Niger, Liberia, Nigeria and Ghana.

In this growing ecosystem, Isahit has chosen a partnership with MakeSense via the SenseSpaces of Paris and Dakar, a choice motivated by the social values defended by this organisation. Thanks to this collaboration, the first Senegalese and Cameroonian Hiteuses were recruited.

We are therefore pleased to introduce you to some of our hiteuses.

On the left, IATA, 22 years old from a family of 6 children and on the right, Granny, 27 years old from a family of 13 children. These two young women are students in Dakar. They chose Isahit to have additional income and to allow them to continue their studies. Isahit through its platform allows them a complete flexibility of their schedule and thus to perfectly combine their school curriculum and a part-time job.

Cathy is a 34-year-old single mother, saleswoman at the Biyem-Assi market for 12 years. Originally from Banganté, in western Cameroon, Cathy lives in Tam-Tam, a popular neighbourhood in southern Yaoundé, with her two children aged 13 and 9 years old.

Jacky is a Cameroonian of 42 years, originally from the anglophone part of Cameroon, currently selling products for newborns and young children in her shop at the market of Biyem Assi, in Yaoundé.
At home, in addition to taking care of his two children, Jacky is responsible for the children of her sister, aged 20, and 15 years old.

Isahit allows Jacky and Cathy to accumulate their work at the market in the morning and a digital work in the afternoon.

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