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October 2, 2017

Newsletter - September 2017 - Complementarity between men and AI

October 2, 2017

Complementarity between men and AI

Newsletter September 2017

Artificial intelligence is the science whose purpose is to make a machine do tasks that man accomplishes through his intelligence "(Université Paris 5).

This term has long aroused many fantasies in man. The idea of a future where everything is automated and where robots and machines are part of our daily life has always fascinated. She has also influenced many artists, we no longer count science fiction films based around artificial intelligence: Terminator, 2001 Space Odyssey, Blade Runner...

But as this "fantasy" becomes reality, and artificial intelligence actually acts (it is found today everywhere: in our smartphones, our cars and even inside our houses) It also creates many fears. Recent progress in this area raises some questions: will robots soon be able to achieve everything that man does? Will artificial intelligence radically change our society, to lead mankind to its doom?

Stephen Hawking: "Will humans be able to keep control?
Will intelligent machines remain an asset to mankind, or are they insurmountable problems? "

The main concerns are found in the world of work. New technologies have already eliminated many jobs in the industrial sector over the last 40 years. Many fear therefore that the development of artificial intelligence is at the origin of mass unemployment.

And according to Antoine Bernard, cofounder of Sentient Technologies, a platform specialized in artificial intelligence, the world as we know it will change completely in the years to come. The robots will begin to replace doctors, journalists, accountants or even sellers in stores.

However, if it is true that the work as we know it, will quickly become obsolete, that does not mean that the work will disappear. You just have to look at career and education differently. The studies will no longer concern a single period, before 24-25 years, but will continue throughout our lives, to "accompany technological evolution".

According to a report by the Deloitte firm, the future of artificial intelligence is not in competition with man, but in complementarity. Very optimistic, this report stresses the fact that even though the machine is able to compete with man in very specific fields (one remembers in particular the defeat of Kasparov against Deep Blue, in 1997) she is unable to cope with a new situation She doesn't know.

The future will be through a collaboration between man and machine. The machine would help in the decision-making of man, in the image of the "Cyborg chess" competitions invented by Kasparov, during which competitors have the right to be aided by a computer. If some trades are going to be removed, others will always require human intelligence.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, men will even be able to find their true place in the company, and concentrate on the tasks with added high values, for which expertise, judgement and intuition are indispensable.

The time gained will be considerable. The machine will help the man to make decisions much faster.

Isahit is a perfect example of this complementarity that develops between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Our "hiteuses" intervene in addition to the machine, when human intelligence is needed in two areas:

During the learning phase of the machine, the learning machine

When the machine encounters a hitherto unknown situation and human intelligence is necessary to react.

In fact, autonomous technologies based on artificial intelligence are made to analyze a large number of datas and make decisions based on what their results indicate. When they encounter a situation that is outside their field of intervention, they can no longer function.

So there are tasks that machines cannot perform on their own. Too much dependence on the machine can lead to serious errors, and the best way to use artificial intelligence is thus in pair with human intelligence.

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