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July 24, 2020

Podcast: Why they exist

July 24, 2020

Podcast: Why they exist

In this series of EKOPO podcasts "Their Reason for Being", business leaders talk about their vision of responsible entrepreneurship and their actions with positive impacts. The Covid-19 epidemic is shaking up many certainties and paving the way for all possible solutions to the major challenges of climate change. We are becoming aware of our vulnerability but also of our capacity to adapt and innovate.

At EKOPO, we have chosen to be positive. Alternative solutions exist, and sometimes have existed for several years. To change scale, they need to be developed. It is these solutions that we put forward every week. But also portraits of committed women and men.

Today, two billion people live on less than $2 a day, 70% of whom are women..

Episode 12: Isabelle Mashola, CEO ofIsahit a fair platform for outsourcing companies' digital tasks. It is present on three continents.

Good listening!

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