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April 15, 2019

Inspiring women entrepreneurs : ElleActive! interview withIsabelle Mashola

April 15, 2019

Inspiring women entrepreneurs : ElleActive! interview withIsabelle Mashola

"They were a training engineer, a commercial, or a student, but they all have one thing in common: they have embarked on entrepreneurship. Successfully.

From ecological croquettes to the laboratory of ideas for entrepreneurs through an application to scan food products, these women have all become startuppeuses. They took the risk of going to the end of their projects and created their box. These business cheffes with inspiring stories tell us about their journey, their project and share their mantra. Check out these ten profiles of women who are going to, who knows, maybe make you want to start your turn! »

Discover the portrait ofIsabelle Mashola, co-founder and CEO of isahit among the 10 inspiring women entrepreneurs of the moment chosen by Elle Active!

© Geraldine Aresteanu

What's she doing?

After a career as an engineer in several large groups, Isabelle Mashola, 56 years old, decided to support the women's cause and created a socially responsible platform two years ago, Isahit. During her studies, she was surprised by the low presence of women in the technology professions. His goal? Give additional income to women in African and Asian countries.

Why is she inspiring us?

With Isahit, Isabelle brings together, on the one hand, French companies looking to outsource part of their digital projects while being socially responsible. On the other hand, women in Africa - who have at least a bachelor's degree - who want to supplement their income to pursue various projects, such as going back to school. Isahit selects digital micro-tasks (artificial intelligence, data validation, market place, etc.) to outsource. It then proposes them to these women, called "hiters", who will carry them out remotely. Today, there are more than 700 of these women communicating on the platform and working in more than ten African countries. They sometimes manage to multiply their income by ten! A civic initiative that enabled Isabelle Mashola to win the Business O Féminin Award in 2018, a prize that rewards women start-ups. For 2019, the project continues and Isahit wishes to pursue its development in Asia.

His mantra?

"The human at the Center for more social innovation!"

Source: She's active!

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