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May 24, 2019

Isahit among the start-ups that move the world forward

May 24, 2019

Isahit among the start-ups that move the world forward

We are delighted to share with you an exclusive portrait of isahit as part of the Start-up Stories - Season 3 programme initiated by Orange, broadcast on M6. Founded in 2016 by Isabelle Mashola and Philippe Coup-Jambet, isahit is now one of the companies that want to make the world better.

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Partner ofOrange, our socially responsible digital platform today allows more than 900 women, called "hiyers" * from various backgrounds, from developing countries in Africa, to carry out their concrete projects: to continue their studies, to finance training, initiate entrepreneurial activity, etc. Indeed, thanks to our platform, they have the opportunity to work to earn a complementary income, to acquire new knowledge and to develop skills useful for their daily life and their professional insertion. Thus, isahit contributes to making the daily life of these many ambitious and project-carrying women better.
* HIT: human task intelligent, task that only human intelligence can achieve.

isahit in a few figures:

  • 1 smart and agile platform
  • A community of 923 hipers
  • A presence in 17 African countries
  • Over 12 million digital micro-tasks performed
  • More than 445 digital projects made for our customers

See the news in your browser: click here

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