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May 25, 2022

Webinar isahit x Modiface: How to manage subjectivity in annotation projects? - Newsletter 15th April 2022

May 25, 2022
Save the date : Isahit Talks with Modiface,  June 1, 6:00pm

Webinar isahit x Modiface: How to manage subjectivity in annotation projects?


We are very pleased to invite you to our next webinar with our partner ModiFace, the leading provider of augmented reality services to the beauty industry (A L'Oréal Group Company).

Together, we will answer the question: How to manage subjectivity in annotation projects?

We will tell you everything about how to spot the issue, and implement relevant tools to ensure balanced annotations.

Don't miss this unique panel and take the opportunity to ask your questions to our speakers, real experts in their field!

The speakers:

Irene Jiang

Irene Jiang

VP of AI @Modiface

Jeff Houghton

Jeff Houghton

Chief Operating Officer @Modiface

Séraphin Gaborit

Séraphin Gaborit

Director of Customer Success @isahit

Aymeric Chevreux

Aymeric Chevreux

Business Development Manager @isahit

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