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May 4, 2022

What is image tagging?

May 4, 2022

What is image tagging?

Definition of image tagging

Image tagging in AI simply refers to search and image management. It allows computer programs to identify images as humans do.  AI can be implored to search and better organize your image storage. Image tagging can also be defined as putting labels on images that makes it come highly searchable. It is the process of putting keywords on images based on figures within a picture. Simply put, image tagging helps you to create photos that are easily searchable. Tagging can be done manually, nonetheless, with image tagging, you need specific softwares to automate the tagging process.

How image tagging works?

When it comes to image tagging, relevant tags or keywords are automatically assigned to various images and videos. For instance with image tagging in Imagga’s computer vision, the image tagging deep learning model analyzes the pixel content of visuals, extracts their features and detects objects of interest. Specifically, the model is trained with a customer-specific tag and this is done to ensure precision. Automated image tagging is considered as cost and time effective especially when dealing with companies that require a huge amount of image contents that is from different sources.

Can companies benefit from Image tagging?

Yes! Companies actually benefit a lot from image tagging. Companies are able to quickly organize images and these images become easily accessible to users. So when a user browses a company’s website, they can find what they are in search of because of the keywords which makes it highly searchable. This cuts down unnecessary time that would have been initially spent on the searching process.

Visual Example

In this image, there is only one image (car). With this, the image tagging program can easily rank the keywords by decimals because the object is exact, which is car.

What are the applications in image tagging?

Image tagging attempts to label an image with one or more human-friendly textual concepts to reflect the visual content of the image . The resultant tags constitute the tag list for this image. Tags have numerous applications, including within blogs and on social media. The tagging system allows information to be listed and collected together under specific keywords, thus making internet searching easier.

What is image tagging used for?

Stages of Image Tagging

The tagging process involves using labels to provide content with additional information using specific keywords. When items are tagged, it makes information easier to find or link and contents that are tagged are associated with further information. Image tagging makes internet searching easier.

Effective image tagging normally consists of two stages: initial image tagging and subsequent tag refinement. Image tagging tries to label an image with one or more human-friendly texts to represent the visual content of the image. The tags therefore reflect the tag list for the image. Image tagging can either be done manually by a human, or automatically. Automatic image tagging offers more precision and supplement incomplete tags.

What is tagging in machine learning?

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. For an ML to be considered as accurate and effective, it is important that data has the right level of tagging and information. Tagging is the process of manually or automatically adding tags or annotation to various components of unstructured data as one step in the process of preparing such data for analysis. Tagging is different from categorization, as it adds more depth and benefits than categorization. In Machine Learning (ML), computers are taught specific algorithms that enable them to learn from a specific set of data.

How important is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is actually very essential as it can be used in a wide variety of applications. Recommendation engine is one of the most well known examples of machine learning. It enables Facebook’s news feed. ML is important because:

1. Companies are able to view and understand the trends in customer behavior and business operations. With ML, it helps companies to support the development of new products. Current leading companies, such as Facebook and Google use ML as part of their operations.

2. It helps companies understand the needs of their customers very well. By collecting customer data and correlating it with behaviors over time, machine learning algorithms can learn associations and help teams tailor product development and marketing initiatives to customer demand.

3.  Some companies use machine learning as a primary driver in their business models. Uber, for example, uses algorithms to match drivers with riders. Google uses machine learning to surface the ride advertisements in searches.

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