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November 28, 2019

Newsletter - Flash November 2019 - CSR Challenges 2019: isahit, winner of the startup category

November 28, 2019

CSR Challenges 2019 : isahit, winner of the startup category

Discover the 9 winners of the 2019 CSR Challenge Trophies: challenges that highlight good practices in CSR and sustainable development in organizations.

Every year since 2012, the CSR Challenge trophies have been awarded to companies implementing the most innovative and effective sustainable development initiatives in France. Each year, it is an opportunity for dozens of organizations to highlight their strategies and share their best practices.

This year, for the 7th edition, nearly 54 candidates were in the running for these trophies, which were sponsored by the Ministries of Economy and Finance and of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. Discover the 9 winners 2018, the 9 companies rewarded for their good CSR and sustainable development practices.

The winners of the CSR 2019 challenges in 8 categories

Traditionally, CSR Challenges are structured into several categories, representing the different axes of a CSR strategy. This year again, the CSR Challenge Trophies had 4 categories (environmental strategy, human resources, societal inclusion, etc.) to which 4 special categories had to be added for Start-ups, VSEs/SMEs, ITEs and EHS companies.

At the end of the deliberations (in which youmatter was a partner), 9 winners were chosen.

Panzani: winner of the environment trophy

For its actions on its agricultural sectors, particularly wheat and tomatoes, and the work carried out in consultation with stakeholders in the field. Panzani also acts through innovation, the reduction of pesticide residues...

Saint-Gobain, winner of the human resources trophy

For its OPEN 4.0 program, a management program that aims to develop Saint-Gobain's talents and in particular to enable them to take into account the challenges related to the ecological transition

The city of Rueil-Malmaison for the Health Trophy in partnership with Harmonie Mutuelle

For its work on the Consultative Health Commission, which allows it to address both practical issues such as parking permits for home visits by these professionals, but also substantive issues such as medical desertification and access to healthcare in the country

Restoria winner of the societal inclusion trophy

For its global approach to integration in the region and the social fabric: donations to associations, training for young people in difficulty, food aid, etc. As well as the creation of a joint venture, Poivre & Sel, une cuisine inclusive employs 50% of disabled employees who prepare more than 3000 meals every day for home delivery.

Flour up for the ESS trophy

The artisanal, solidarity and sustainable bakery is an integration company, promoting the training of people in situations of drop-out or isolation, which also adopts an ecological approach: labelling of raw materials, waste and packaging management, water consumption...

My lucky star rewarded in the TPE/PME category

A committed VSE: certified B-Corp barely 1 year after its creation, it offers reusable compote bottles, especially for children and babies. Waste reduction, healthy food: the company now employs 17 people around these issues.

Restoration API for the ETI category

API Restauration is a family catering company that aims to maintain its values: anchored in its territory, it promotes "healthy" and "responsible" cuisine.

Isahit for the start-up category

isahit is a socially responsible platform that provides digital work in the form of income support to young women in emerging countries to enable them to carry out a professional project such as continuing their studies or becoming an entrepreneur.

FM Logistic winner of the Special Jury Prize

FM Logistic is a supply chain player involved in the storage and distribution of its customers' products in France and beyond our borders. The company is the jury's favorite for its environmental action: eco-design of platforms, energy efficiency program, production of renewable energy and/or purchase of green energy, waste management, carbon offsetting…

The CSR challenges, by rewarding each year these innovative and global initiatives, highlight good practices to make your organization more responsible. So if you are also setting up something interesting from a CSR or sustainable development perspective: register next year!

Source: You matter

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